Sunday, April 1, 2012

Seoul Day 36

It has been a couple of crazy nights of LAN gaming over these two days. 2 straight days till 3-4am. With the lack of games available, we have been playing Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne non-stop. Before heading to Korea, I did not have any slightest interest in that game other than its variation DoTA. I guess its a good way to build bonds but a tiring one though.

Finally I have shifted to Coco Livingtel after staying for a month at Issac Livingtel. I am quite happy with the new place other than a few stuff.

1. I am paying 470K won now instead of the previous 250K won rent. A large significant increase to me. The place is alright but I don't think it justify the price.

2. Filling up water is no longer a next door affair. Have to walk a long way to the kitchen but nonetheless can be solved by purchasing a large water container.

3. The rubbish bin is located far away.

Positive Points

1. I go my own bathroom now and a fridge.

2. The place is larger than before.

3. I am now close to more Singaporeans from SMU.

4. Its much closer to school now.


Visited a place called 63 Square. You can access the place via free shuttle buss at Yeouido Station from gate 5. At 30K (subsidised student rate), you can visit three different attractions. We visted the Imax cinema (the show was a little boring though), the underwater world (nice but the variety is not as many as the one in Shanghai) and the wax museum (the halloween wax figures are really scary in the dark. There is a mini teddy bear museum too.)

After that it was Makgeolli, beer and chicken before LAN gaming again. The LAN shop is just under the place I live at now.


We visited the flea market close to Hongik University Station. The place was really crowded in the afternoon. The only thing I felt like getting was a hand-dinosaur plushie but at 10000 won, it was out of my budget as I had not withdrawn any cash.

After the flea market visit, we got to Itaewon. Itaewon is place that is filled with international tourist. The place is filled with shoe shops. The highlight of the place was the international mart where we saw stuff like milo, oyster sauce, curry powder, sweet chilli sauce, items in which you would not normally see at the local supermarket in Seoul.

Dinner was a Myeongdong with some shopping before we watched Wrath of the Titan. I found that the show lacked depth as the ending was predictable.

Ended the day with LAN gaming yet again. I am dead beat now, time to sleep. Upload the pictures the next day!

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