Friday, May 27, 2011

14th Entry: Back

Spent like two hours deleting all the emails from my old email account. 10K over of unwanted mails.

It has been three weeks since the start of the holidays. This week was the week when i started searching for a job. Signed up with job central but the search wasn't fruitful. Sent quite a few emails to various job agencies whom were assigned by companies to help them to look for job seekers but received no replies. This has led to me to formulate a few conclusions.

1. Females are prefered.
2. Questions are irritating and should not be entertained.
3. My email wasnt even read in the first place.

These job agencies have given me a very bad impression and I wonder how their awards are earned. The least they could do would be dropping a simple "cut and paste" email to inform applicants that their applications have been received and upon consideration have been rejected.

Oh well, my intention right now is to look for a job before the start of June as any later than that would make it harder to get one as i would only be left with two full months of vacation break. If my job search is unsuccessful then i gotta make full use of my break with other activities.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

13th Entry: Book Tickets!

Finally helped a friend to book air tickets. 4 hours of work! typing, transfering my cash around.

This is my very first time booking air tickets online. Since she did not have a visa card, thus she asked for help to settle the bill.

Booking tickets can be such a hassle when they are many details to be filled in. Since they had limited session time of 9 minutes, I had to quickly match each persons details to their repective textboxes. There were many times where I had to retype the entries.

Why does the price fluctuate after i book a single ticket. The next ticket that I booked cost a almost 60 over bucks more expensive than the previous one. Same flight, side by side seats and yet that much different of a price. Why is there such an inconsistency. Its not like as if the plane is full.

One thing that is efficient is the billing. Lol, when it comes to money issues, its exceptionally fast. Makes me worry what happen if i lost my credit card and handphone. All my cash would simply be gone.

Im feeling a bit tired now, but still cant sleep cause my hair is still wet. The problems of having longer hair now.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Need You Now by Lady Antebellum

One of my faves songs. Didn't expect it to make a quite a clean sweep at the recent grammys 2011 awards.

Oh yea its my birthday today and i din noe abt it. lol.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

12th Entry: Worst day of my life.

Just like the shares which i have bought dipping a brand new low. I had one of the worst day of my life.
The first half of the day was alright but things starts to screw up in the afternoon.

My shares hit to a new low of 1.91, crazy prices. It seems to be on a free fall mode right now, wonder whats affecting the price?

Next i dropped my laptop right smack on the floor. I was so engrossed in the discussion that i tripped over my own laptop power cable. After the traumatic fall, the laptop failed to start up. From that very moment, i knew that the hard disk was confirm gone. All my stuff, sch work from last sem and this sem, pictures, games and office 2010! My copy and cd key of office are kept in it.

And so i was in a dilema, leave the group and head to the customer center. Would it be very selfish? In the end the emotions got the better of me and i decided i just had to make the trip down since i wouldnt be free tml and Sunday the place is closed. This laptop was something i fully paid for and very precious to me. The data too.

Along the way i turned off the wrong adapter and got my friend Sandra's laptop to force shut down. I rushed towards the service center at acer. Got to the wrong station at habourfront, should have stopped at  Otraum. Took the train back again and took straight to jurong. As i got down, i ran towards the service center since it was like 15 mins before the service center is closed. Along the way it rained too. I had no direct path and had to climb through and I almost fell in the end. After making the trip to the service center, the consultant said that the data would be wiped out! He recommened me a data recovery center and i knew that it would simply be too expensive. Thus i left the laptop and could only get it back on Monday.

After getting the check done, i had to rushed back to the meeting scene. The rain got heavier and although with the use of umbrella, i was all drenched, especially on fron part. My whole lower body and shoes were soaked wet.

As I tired to flag the bus at the bustop, i relised that there was  a direct bus to school. As i did not open my umbrellas, i tried to hop on to the bus, in the end i tripped and fell beacuase my shoes are losing it grip on fiction. Wet + Pain

Sunday, January 23, 2011

11th Entry: Once in a blue moon.

Dear Diary,

Sorry for neglecting you. Thats for close two months to be more specific. So what have changed in these two months? Time has passed as fast as usual and i am still pretty much the same. Holidays came and left in a whirlwind and the new school term resumed. I guess nothing much has changed for me.

The highlights of the past two months would be:

1. Trip to Genting with my Family
2. Class Chalet

The trip to genting was a short one but its something that i have always wanted. Given the time and money, I would definately like to bring my entire family around the world. Its a dream for me, something that is hard to achieve given the school commitments and financial constraints. I just want to do so before my parents get old.

The class chalet was kinda unexpected. Something that came out of nowhere. Chalets can be said to be an essence of my life. Ever since the polytechnic days, I have been having frequent chalets. Its something that i have always look forward to, something that got me through the tough times in school. Class gatherings are certainly rare opportunities in the university life. Everyone seems to be always busy and are far apart from each other. Seeing everyone gathering for a short period of time, playing games and having bbq was a sight to behold. A sight that is not seen since the orientation days.

Its the third week of school and my mind is still wandering everwhere else other than school work. Will it ever wonder back? I don't know. We shall see.

Yours Sincerely,