Sunday, January 23, 2011

11th Entry: Once in a blue moon.

Dear Diary,

Sorry for neglecting you. Thats for close two months to be more specific. So what have changed in these two months? Time has passed as fast as usual and i am still pretty much the same. Holidays came and left in a whirlwind and the new school term resumed. I guess nothing much has changed for me.

The highlights of the past two months would be:

1. Trip to Genting with my Family
2. Class Chalet

The trip to genting was a short one but its something that i have always wanted. Given the time and money, I would definately like to bring my entire family around the world. Its a dream for me, something that is hard to achieve given the school commitments and financial constraints. I just want to do so before my parents get old.

The class chalet was kinda unexpected. Something that came out of nowhere. Chalets can be said to be an essence of my life. Ever since the polytechnic days, I have been having frequent chalets. Its something that i have always look forward to, something that got me through the tough times in school. Class gatherings are certainly rare opportunities in the university life. Everyone seems to be always busy and are far apart from each other. Seeing everyone gathering for a short period of time, playing games and having bbq was a sight to behold. A sight that is not seen since the orientation days.

Its the third week of school and my mind is still wandering everwhere else other than school work. Will it ever wonder back? I don't know. We shall see.

Yours Sincerely,

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