Thursday, September 2, 2010

2nd Entry: The "Blurring Effect"

MNO tutorial today. I had my speech crafted out but i wasn't really prepared to present. After seeing some reading directly from the script i decided to give it a shot to be the last one to volunteer but the opportunity was siezed away.

" Probably we might not experience the full blown effects of global warming in our life time. But have you spared a thought for the future generations, your sons, daughters and grand children? Why make the innocent of the future suffer for our own selfish overconsumption of what Mother Nature has given to us. The world was created and meant to be sustainable but we humans always think that the world would be able to take whatever we throw at it.

The list of negative global warming effects is inexhaustible. As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So why should we wait for the full blown effects of global warming to occur when each of us can do our part to stop global warming. Let us do our little part by reusing, reducing and recycling. "

This was the core of my speech, the main conclusion. Turned out that someone did use the 3Rs too. I thought the 3Rs was like too retro and was something that belong to the 90s. Lol

Wanted to go to Comex today but felt that theres still some work to be done. It was fate i guess and is there by any chance that blurness is contagious? After OM lecture, i was reaching my usual bus-stop after bidding farewell to my classmates. Had a long walk and was beginning to feel thirsty. I reached into my bag and searched for my bottle. EH MY BOTTLE IS NOT IN THERE? Thoughts ran through my mind: "did i left it in the MNO seminar room or was it left at OM lecture theatre?" Although the bottle was a free gift, I told myself I am going to leave no man or in this case, bottle behind. By not going to Comex, indirectly Im saving my friends' time. They wouldn't have to wait for me as i retrieve my bottle.

Made quick steps back to the theatre, felt like I was going through some obstacle course. There were so many stairs to take, 7- 8 flights i guess. Within less than a time frame of a song, I managed to retrieve my bottle.

Do I have a "I want to buy an insurance/savings" face? Without fail, these sales girls always approach me asking for a minute. But sorry girls, Im taken and you all were just a little too late. I just bought my policy 4 years ago from another agent. Thus as I make my way through Ang Mo Kio tunnel daily, I would often try to find a human shield to shield myself away from insurance agents. Today was one of the days whereby I failed in my mission. My human shield "pang seh" me. =X

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