Saturday, September 4, 2010

5th Entry: Awaiting

Still no news yet. Its a Saturday and with tomorrow being a Sunday, I guess the doctors are working on a much slower pace.

So I went to church as usual as with every Saturday with the rest of my family. My mum didn't want to alert the rest of my family about the situation as she didn't want them to worry too much. Thus I kinda had to lie and mislead, giving reasons why she didn't want to head out today. Im just so bad at lying that in the end they came out with the lie instead. They came out with conclusions on why she was not free and i just agreed on, nodding my head innocently.

We went to have dinner at Bishan. Usually I am always quiet, and do most of the listening. However today I didn't know what got into me, I just began to preach life lessons to my cousin. He is currently taking his O's this year but he's not too much of the academic type of person. I went on telling him about what he should do, on issues such as working hard, having confidence and taking action. I also mentioned that life is not just all about academic stuff, there are still many things that you gotta learn such as perserverence, fighting spirit and drive. Education is important but having good life skills are equally essential. In future, employers are not going to employ you just because you have a first class honours, what they want are the qualities that you possess, that is what that make the difference.

A dream will forever remain be a dream, never a reality unless you put it in to action.

Dare to try everything, never be afraid, enjoy and appreciate your youth as you only live once.

I "preached" till my throat practically went dry. After all the talks, it kinda reminded me of so much stuff which I have forgotten to put into practice. Suddenly the motivation and drive came back into me.

A usually quiet me suddenly became an unusually chatty me.

At home, I had a long talk with my mum about life, I hoped she felt better after the talk.

Dear God, please continue to care for my dad.

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