Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Seoul Day 67

Been on the run for the past two weeks. Visited many places such as Jindo Island, the old palaces, Han river, clubbing places. I would love to tell you all of my journeys but there are simply too many. Been through the midterms too and I must say that I have definitely performed many times under expectation. Today was the second day of the week after midterms. Management Accounting lessons are cancelled for this week and it kind of a good news as it means more time to relax. Watched a show at the local cinema in the university, KU Trap with Lim Hee, Amelia and Sabrina. All the guys were busy this time. The show was titled "Talking Architect" and it depicts the works for Chung Guyon, a Korean Architect who has undertaken many projects in his career. It was a documentary show in which the girls wasn't expecting but nonetheless I found the show to be refreshing and thought provoking. Chung Guyon might be seen as eccentric by many in the circle of architecture but I admire the passion he has towards what he was doing. Through how he fiercely criticized the buildings in which were not built towards how he had intended to and the emotions in which he expressed, one could see how devoted he was to his works. Before his death, he dedicated his remaining time to show case his works in order to influence future architects on their future directions in the world of architecture. An architect is one that works diligently behind the scenes, devoting many hours to create an ideal place for the people. Very often people often remember the splendour of a building or place and never give any credit to the architect. Their contribution to society is often neglected and given due credit for their efforts. Nonetheless, they are always passionate towards their works and designs in hope of creating a better place for the public and individuals. There was one quote that he mentioned captured my mind, "What is Life, Why do we live, What is the World, Who am I, How have I lived, What is Family, What are Friends, What is Architecture?" As one grows older, he mentioned that one should dwell more philosophically. It is also something in which I am experiencing right now as I tend to dwell on this questions too. For the longest time I have been questioning what is my purpose and passion in life. I seem to have none and have been wondering around aimlessly. I am certainly not getting any younger and sometimes it can get frustrating in life not knowing what is my purpose in life. In the past, the purpose in life was simple, I just had to study hard and don't give my parents any trouble. As time passes, such purposes in life do not seem applicable as they are achieved. Right now I hope to have something in which I can dedicate my life towards, and sense of direction in which I can follow and live by. I admire Chung Guyon for his passion and commitment towards architecture. I really hope that one day I can have a purpose and a passion in which I can really believe and work towards to.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Seoul Day 42/43


Visited a park close at Children's Grand Park Central Station with other foreign exchange students. It a park dedicated to children. The main highlights of the place is an amusement park for kids and a mini zoo. We visited mainly the zoo in the park. Although the size of the zoo can't match against the Seoul Zoo but there was quite a variety of animals such as lions and elephants. As we approach Spring, more of the animals seemed to be more lively rather than being in their hibernating mode.

After the visit, our interest to visit Jindo Island rekindled and we made a last minute booking for our bus tickets at Gangbyeon (Dongseoul Bus Terminal) and our accommodation at Myeong-dong. What seemed like an impossible last minute planning did came true in the end.


We woke up early to take a coach from Dongseoul Bus Terminal. The journey which cost 29500 won took about 5 and a half hours. Luckily the motel (Prince Motel) which we booked was close to the bus terminal. After checking in, we headed straight to the sea parting place.

The highlight of Jindo Island is basically the sea parting event. Every year during this period, the tide would recede revealing dry land in which you can step on to get to the next island. The crowd at Jindo were reportedly close to a million.

In order to cross the sea, we had to get boots as our shoes would get wet as we cross. We manage to get second hand boots at 4000 won each. Since we arrived at the place late, we walked for a little while before returning back to the motel.


On this day we got to the sea parting place early and made our journey to the next island. As today was the festival main day, we had to pay an additional 5000 won to enter. The walk was an interesting experience as we had to suffer the "pain" of walking on the rocks. Along the way we saw sea creatures on the sea floor such as star fishes, clam and shell fishes. As we saw the star fishes, we took it and threw them back into the sea to give them a "second chance". The walk to the next island took about an hour. From afar, the distance might seem short but the actual journey is long.

After a day of walking we had to rush back to catch the coach to Mokpo before taking the KTX back to Seoul. The train fair was 32000 won but it was a comfortable ride back home.

Shall head to bed now, tomorrow's lesson is at 9am. Shall add the photos when I am free, good night!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Seoul Day 36

It has been a couple of crazy nights of LAN gaming over these two days. 2 straight days till 3-4am. With the lack of games available, we have been playing Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne non-stop. Before heading to Korea, I did not have any slightest interest in that game other than its variation DoTA. I guess its a good way to build bonds but a tiring one though.

Finally I have shifted to Coco Livingtel after staying for a month at Issac Livingtel. I am quite happy with the new place other than a few stuff.

1. I am paying 470K won now instead of the previous 250K won rent. A large significant increase to me. The place is alright but I don't think it justify the price.

2. Filling up water is no longer a next door affair. Have to walk a long way to the kitchen but nonetheless can be solved by purchasing a large water container.

3. The rubbish bin is located far away.

Positive Points

1. I go my own bathroom now and a fridge.

2. The place is larger than before.

3. I am now close to more Singaporeans from SMU.

4. Its much closer to school now.


Visited a place called 63 Square. You can access the place via free shuttle buss at Yeouido Station from gate 5. At 30K (subsidised student rate), you can visit three different attractions. We visted the Imax cinema (the show was a little boring though), the underwater world (nice but the variety is not as many as the one in Shanghai) and the wax museum (the halloween wax figures are really scary in the dark. There is a mini teddy bear museum too.)

After that it was Makgeolli, beer and chicken before LAN gaming again. The LAN shop is just under the place I live at now.


We visited the flea market close to Hongik University Station. The place was really crowded in the afternoon. The only thing I felt like getting was a hand-dinosaur plushie but at 10000 won, it was out of my budget as I had not withdrawn any cash.

After the flea market visit, we got to Itaewon. Itaewon is place that is filled with international tourist. The place is filled with shoe shops. The highlight of the place was the international mart where we saw stuff like milo, oyster sauce, curry powder, sweet chilli sauce, items in which you would not normally see at the local supermarket in Seoul.

Dinner was a Myeongdong with some shopping before we watched Wrath of the Titan. I found that the show lacked depth as the ending was predictable.

Ended the day with LAN gaming yet again. I am dead beat now, time to sleep. Upload the pictures the next day!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Seoul Day 29

Today we visited Nami Island, the place where winter sonata was shot. How to get to Nami Island: Get to Gapyeong Subway station before taking a taxi to the ferry terminal. The taxi ride cost less than 3000 won. The ticket to Nami island which includes a ferry ride which last less than 5 mins cost 8000 won for foreigners.

Nami Island is a place of nature with many trees that do not have any leaves. The weather is still chilly right now. The scenic places makes it a good place for couples to take a stroll round the island. There are many live animals that you will get to see, ostriches, emus, rabbits and ducks.

We spent about half a day on the island. Pictures will be made available on my facebook soon. =)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Seoul Day 28

Today we visited TrickEye museum located just outside of Hongik University subway station. Entrance fee is at 13000 won. The museum is a place show casing pictures that involves 3D like objects and scenarios popping out of the picture frame. With each picture, visitors can pose and be part of the picture. It was an interesting experience looking at all the people making the interesting poses. Other than them pictures, there are costumes to allow you to cosplay the ancient greeks too.

After the museum tour and dinner at a traditional korean BBQ place, we visited Myeong Dong in hope of catching John Carter. In total we visited 3 difference cinemas in order to catch the show. Ticket was priced at 9000 won. Since the show was at 11.25pm, we went shopping at SPAO. Spent another 60k on a shirt and pants.

Had a short coffee break at star bucks before heading over to the cinema. The family combo was worth it at just 13000 won and that includes 2 buckets of pop corns, 2 drinks, nachos and cuttlefish. I shared a bucket of pop corns with Justin at 4500 won instead. Before catching the show, I heard that the movie did not do very well at the box office but nonetheless I went to watch it with an open mind. Although the story line was very much predictable, I pretty much still enjoyed watching it where the hero comes from nowhere to save the day. The last part of the show had a great twist.

Heading home was the downside of the day. We waited for like an hour in order to get a cab. We got rejected by over 20 cab drivers due to the fact that the place that we are heading was either too near of out of the way for the cabbies. I was very much infuriated with their attitudes towards picking up passengers. The cold chilly weather and the weariness only increased my frustrations. But anyway I still made it back home and I am grateful for the cabbie that acceded to our plea.

Tomorrow's trip is canceled due to the later night we spent today. Time for me to catch up with school work.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Seoul Day 27

After much persuasion from Justin today was the first time I visited a Jjimjilbang, a korean bath house. The place is located just outside of Dongmyo Subway station exit 6. Its on the 12th floor of a building. Entrance fee is 10000 won. The name of the Bath house is called Sparex.

Visiting a bath house might be a culture shock for some as every one just walk around naked in their full glory. Being in Singapore, such is a sight in which you don't see often as it is not part of our culture.

So we went around soaking in the hot waters ranging from 38 to 40 degrees centigrade. It was always interesting to see Justin and Daryl fighting in the water like small kids. Its hard to believe that few years down the road they will be fathers someday.

After the long soak we visited the gym. It has been a long time since I been to one since I arrived in Korea. Had a light workout, I missed my pull up bar. lol. Still managed to do 6 but I am aiming to go for at least 10 when I get back to Singapore. I measured my weight and I am now 60.5kg. Okie perhaps with all the food, I am 61kg now. I have lost like 4-5kg in 4 weeks in Korea.

With the workout done, we met up with Shaun and his relative. Its cool that he only knew his cousin during an overseas voluntary service trip. They don't know about each other in the 24 years of their life. In fact Shaun was the uncle even though their age gap are close.

For food we had eggs and red bean shaving. For 4000 won, you can have a large bowl for 4 person. Nice!.

At the end of the day, the most epic thing was that Justin lost his shirt. His T-shirt was the exact same gray color as the bath house T-shirt. As a result he misplaced it and the T-shirt might have mixed with the other Sparex T-shirt in the laundry. We tried to find for him but to not avail. In the end he had to wear the Sparex T-shirt back home. LOL.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seoul Day 22 and 23

Went to the zoo locate at Seoul Grand park. The total package for the zoo was just 8000 won, it included the entrance, tram ride and the gondola ride. This is certainly much cheaper than the zoo in Singapore. Shaun mentioned that it was one of the top 10 zoos in the world and after the trip I did agree with him. The were many variety of animals, lions, tigers, wolves, yaks, you name it you have it. The area in which Seoul zoo occupies is simply huge, it would take at least half a day to really fully explore the place.

I attended my very first dolphin and seal show. =) It was quite an experience and it was fascinating to see how the trainers could interact and pair up so well with the dolphins and seals. The dolphins were swift and elegant while the seals were cheeky and mischievous. I totally enjoyed the show and it was worth every won of the 3000 in which I paid.

However while viewing the splendour of the animal kingdom, I had mixed feelings. I felt sad for them as they are kept in the small and confined enclosures, far away from where they should be in their habitats. The only wish I have is that the public upon admiring the animals would have increased awareness about the need to protect the natural habitats of these animal's relative in the wild.

After the zoo trip, I visited one of the 7 luck casinos nearby Seoul Station. Gambling is activity that is often being frown upon by many. In my opinion I feel that social gambling is alright but never compulsive gambling. Gambling is just a form of past-time and should never be regarded as a money making opportunity. There are quite a few casino in Korea and the one in which we visited is one of the smaller ones. It has just a single floor and is probably one tenth the size of the casino in Genting Malaysia. I did not gamble as we only visited the place for a short while. Daryl and Justin lost 30 each but it was all in the name of fun and experience.

I will post some of the pictures tomorrow below and on face book.

Today I spent the whole day in my little room. Although I felt recharged but I was totally bored. It was good rest though.

Its back to school tomorrow. Time to mug soon =( hahaz.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Seoul Day 21

Today officially mark my 3rd week in Seoul. Time passes really quickly once you settle down.

Visited Lotte World at Jamsil today. Lotte world is this big recreational theme park in Korea, one of the biggest too I believed. It is also my very first visit to a theme park in my life. Entrance fee for a one day pass is 30k won, relatively cheap as compared to the 70-80 dollars at Universal Studios at RWS.

The first place we visited was the haunted house. We had to pay 2k to enter the house. It wasn't scary at all. In fact we were frightened by the little kid (another visitor) who just ran and squeezed past. We thought he was like the kid from Ju-on.

Our very first live action ride was the Viking Ship. From the external looks of the ship, the ride did not look intimidating at all. We were so wrong!!!! The ship went almost as high as the ceiling and was practically 90 degrees in the air. Each time the ship swung to the next side, my heart just dropped. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack and die any time. It was my first thrill ride.

Sinbad ride was normal, nothing like the heart-stopping Viking ship ride but the interiors were decorated elaborately.

Following on we went for the outdoor rides. First up was the bungee drop. We were lifted up to the very top and accelerated right back to level ground instantaneously. I felt like I was going to vomit my organs any time during the process. I am not afraid of heights but I detest the free falling feeling. lol.

Another thrilling ride was the Atlantis ride. It was a super fast accelerated roller coaster that ended off with three high speed drops. We were so filled with adrenaline that we took the ride once in the day and another in the night. The night ride was more satisfying as there was rain splattering across our faces and the cold wind blowing against our body.

We took many other rides other than those mentioned above. The place is colourful, lively and vibrant. Kids would simply like the place too. The ticket price was really worth it and I would definitely recommend those who visit Korea to head down to Lotte World theme park for a day.

Tomorrow is the zoo and casino trip at lucky7. I am not sure if I should join the rest for the trip as I have many work left to clear. It a dilemma but I will see how it goes.

Ticket Prices

My Ticket!

The Dreaded Viking Ship

Exterior of Lotte World

Sumptuous Sausage Meal Damage:9900 Won

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Seoul Day 17 18 19

Its amazing that I have been living in Seoul for close to 3 weeks. Other than the language barrier, I feel like I have been a Seoul Resident for many years. Week 2 of school is going to end soon and that means school work and projects are going to start to pile up soon. I have been enjoying so much that I have been missing the the first two weeks of readings. Its a little worrying and I believe that I have to forgo some of the fun times to make up for the missed out study times. I need to plan and work on it!

Anyway today is white day, the day where guys are supposed to sweets and chocolate to girls. It has been a quiet day for me, couples are out for their dinners while the rest I am just not sure where they are. I don't have anymore battery on my phone and I can't contact anyone. Hopefully the replacement charger arrives soon and I can recharge my phone.

I feel satisfied after accomplishing two things. Things in which might seem simple but complex when its done overseas.

1.Setting up Wifi. After many trial and errors, I finally located the manual guide. All the links are in Korean and at times, it gets abit frustrating looking for the manual.

2.Obtaining my print account at the print shop (Main Library). Finally I can print something! No more living without hard copy notes. Yesh!

Thats all for now, shall take a break. =)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Seoul Day 14 15 16

Basicaly I went to three main places.

Ski-ing and Yong Pyong Ski Resort
Hope Church at Yeouinaru
K Collection in Seoul K-Pop Fashion Concery ay Olympic Park Gymnastic Stadium

More Pictures can be found on my facebook.

Ski Resort at Yong Pyong

Hope Church at Yeouinaru

K Pop Fashion Show Concert

K Pop Fashion Show Concert Live Scene

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Seoul Day 13 (Thur)

Technically this should be my 13th Day in Seoul, realised that I have miscounted the days. It past midnight now, so this entry should be written for the day before.

Attended my first International Business Lesson, missed my first lesson due to a really bad hangover. I was left out in the formation of the groups and was left like a lost soul wandering around the class. Everyone just naturally had their groups except me. This reminds me of my secondary school days and Business Law at NUS. The feeling of being unwanted was just awful. No words can described but I am sure I am getting used to it.

Looking at the bright side, I always look at such a scenario as an opportunity to push myself ahead and prove to the world.

After lessons ended for today, we attended KU welcoming party. There were introductions by various members of KUBS office and clubs in the business school. With the pizzas being served, there were introductions, quizes and other games to keep us entertained.

After that, we split up after making arrangements for the ski trip that would take place later. We brought the SMU exchange students for a visit to our humble rooms at Issac Hostel. While crossing the road after the visit, we just had the sudden urge to play LAN and we made our way to the nearest LAN shop. We wanted to play L4D but sadly the place does not offer. We played Warcraft 3 and Starcraft instead. Time passed swiftly while we played and before we knew it, we had already completed 4 hours. We called it a day with a visit to Red Cup for snacks.

Last Trip to Daiso: Damage 5000 Won

KUBS Welcoming Party Opening Speech

LAN Shop Com Damage: 1200 Won per Hour

LAN Shop Scene

Seoul Day 10

Basically I was back to health today. Finally could eat a proper meal. Back to lessons too. In the evening its shopping at Myeong-dong till late, before a meal at Mac close to midnite.

Shopped at Daiso as usual and got a cardigan from SPAO at 39900 won. Will upload the pictures tomorrow. Gotta fill up a form for International Business.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seoul Day 9/2

What a night I had yesterday. Had dinner at a restaurant that specializes in traditional Korean barbeque. For 5000 won per person, it was definitely well worth it but it was not my fave meal as I did not really like to eat pork and fatty meats. Nonetheless it was still a good meal.

Recevied a birthday cake from the rest of my exchange student friends. It was a surprise as it was the first time that I received a cake from someone else other than my parents. Thank you everyone! =)

After that we went for drinking at a nearby nightspot. It was a unique and terrible expereince. I drank too much and too fast and before I knew it I was knocked out. It was a messy experience as I was vomitting consistently. Never before did such a thing happen in my drinking experience. In the past, I always drank slow but this time I was gulping them down one by one.

Nonetheless I would like to thank my friends who spent the time with me and bringing me back to my room. This would definitely be the last time that I would drink like this. lol.

The cake! Thank you guys!

The mugs of beer in position

Oh no! The little green bottle at the corner. Noooo...! lol

Monday, March 5, 2012

Seoul Day 9

Today is my Birthday. 24th to be exact. Feeling so old. Anyway my birthday is just like any other day.

Today also marks the first day of School at Korea University. Attended Corporate Finance class at 0900. Headed to sch at 0800 just to make sure that I manage to find the class. Upon entering the seminar room, I was abit worried as all the students around me were Korean local students. I was wondering if I have entered the correct class. It was only when the professor flashed the first slide that I heaved a sign of relief.

The Korean prof was pretty fluent in English, I had no problems understanding him. He looked pretty young too for a prof.

Following on I attended my second lesson at 1400. This time the venue was at a huge lecture hall. The prof of International Business was basically intimidating us with the difficulty of the module but nonetheless I still intend to stay and not drop the module.

Thats all for now. Gonna take a short nap before dinner. =)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Seoul Day 8

Basically today was the last day to "play" before school officially starts tomorrow. Today we met up at noon for lunch at Valance Burger, it is a burger joint just at the foot of Korea University. The burgers there are big and succulent. It was so huge that I find it hard to bite on it. Had to pull out all the lettuces and ate them one by one before I was able to take a bite out of it.

The cashier did not speak english. I wanted just the burger as I wanted to eat light but was given the meal instead. Initially I was wondering why he was giving me the weird expression. It was only when Sabrina mentioned that I have not given the right ammount of cash that I realised that I was being charged for a meal instead.

Following on we went to Korea University Ice Skating Rink. It is located close to CJ housing in KU. The entrance fee cost 5000 won while the rental for gloves was 700 won. Gloves and helmets are compulosory, this is something different from Singapore.

My last ice skating session was a nightmare as I had twisted my ankle while I tried to avoid a kid. The irony was that in my effort to avoid the kid, he went on to laugh at me instead. That was a moment that I couldn't forget.

Initially I was pretty much walking around the ice. I just couldn't glide like most of the people do. Walking on ice was a safe thing to do as one can avoid falling. It was only after awhile that I realise that one must not be afraid of falling on the ice in order to learn how to glide. Just as when I was getting the hang of it, we had to leave the rink for our next destination.

While most of the group went to a dog cafe, I followed weili to find rayna and sabrina at Ewha Woman University Metro Station. The place is the girl's shopping paradise. Endless shopping goods for girls and rarely a shop for guys.

Nonetheless, sometimes it is interesting to look at girl's fashion, guy's fashion is pretty much the standard T-shirts and shirts.

Ended the day with a meal at one of the shops, followed by a little more shopping at Ewha Womans University surroundings and last but not least, the daily shopping rountine at Daiso (Anam Street).

The "So Hot" Burger at Valance Burger

Shopping District beside Ewha Womans University Metro Station Part 1

Shopping District beside Ewha Womans University Metro Station Part 2

Shopping District beside Ewha Womans University Metro Station Part 3

Shopping District beside Ewha Womans University Metro Station Part 4

Ewha Womans University

Ewha Womans University Castles

Ewha Womans University Scenary

Ewha Womans University The Grand Walkway

Ewha Womans University Shopping Surroundings (Night)

Dinner of the Day (I had some spicy maggie mee + dumplings + loads of Kimchi

Daily Daiso Shopping (Damage 10000 won)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Seoul Day 7

Today we visited the Seoul Tower. One of the tallest places in Seoul.
We took a cable car ride all the way to the top and walking down after tour round the place. Seoul Tower is a lively place filled with a wide variety of performances.

Following on we were met up with Althea and her mum. We were introduced to a well known place that sold fantastic bowls of Ginseng Chicken Soup. The location of the place close to Gyeongbokgung Metro Station. I got the namecard of the place but it is all in Korean.

After the sumptuous meal, we went back to Anam Street to chill before calling it a day.

Seoul Tower Signage

Lover's Locks (To lock down your bf and gf lol)

More Locks!

Very Talented Guy Who Can Play Multiple Instruments

Ginseng Chicken Place Introduced by Althea's Mum

Yummy Ginseng Chicken (But i don't like bones!)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3nd Korean Entry

Still no news of my modules. I guess everyone is on holiday today. Today is the independence day of South Korea.

Today we visited a couple of shopping places in Korea. I don't really remember the names as yet as I was following the rest of the Singaporean Group. One of the shopping malls if I remember correctly was located beside Euljiro substation, the other being Dong Dae Mun.

Lots of crowd today as it was a public holidays. From your Zara to H&M to the shopping outlets without brands. There is simply too many things to shop for. I am hoping that i can familiarize more with the locations so that I can make better introductions in future.

Tomorrow we will be heading to KUBS office to settle our modules. As mentioned, currently I still have none, hoping that I can get at least 4 tomorrow and I will be grateful.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2nd Korean Entry

Managed to catch up with the rest of the group for the Nanta show. Nanta is the cooking show whereby they make use of the kitchen utensils and objects around them to create music. Its a mixture of Stomp meets Cooking Programme.

The show was lively and there wasn't a dull moment.

Following on I went with the other Singaporean exchange students for chinese food. We had zha jiang mian, gou lou you and guo tie. It was a sumptous meal and it only cost about 7 Singapore dollars. A meal like this would simply cost over 15 bucks in Singapore.

Still do not have a single module right now. Feel pretty screwed up now. Things do not look good but I am still trying to stay positive. I want to stay in the mindset whereby "the sky falls, I will still use it as blanket.

First Korean Entry

So here am I at a reclusive part of Korea University typing this entry. The weather is cold and chilly but not as bad as the previous days. To be exact I am right beside a place called Korea Cinema Trap (Korea University Media Hall). Is it a cinema or is it a trap, I have no answer to that question now but that is an interesting name.

I just missed the group tour as I had to submit my module registration form to the KU Business Office. 50 Singapore dollars wasted and with the opportunity to visit the palace gone! Oh well. Previously I have submitted to their one stop service centre two days ago as indicated on the form. From the moment I was not allocated any modules, I knew something was wrong. Upon visiting the office about an hour ago, I had the answer. The answer was that I had to submit to the business office instead. Things are not looking good right now as it is highly unlikely that I will be allocated any modules with most or should I say all of them have been indicated “full”. The path ahead looks rocky, only God knows what it would be like.

Today is 5th day in Korea. The last 5 days have been pretty fast paced with little rest. Upon arriving at Incheon Airport, it was a long trip to our hostel at Anam Street. Upon boarding the airport bus and reaching Korea University area, we got lost and did not know how to proceed to Isacc Hostel. Thankfully there was girl whom helped to guide us to the place. She was really helpful and it is very rare to see a stranger whom is heading towards different direction taking the effort to walk us to our place. It gladdens my heart to see such people around. In the past I have directed strangers when they asked for directions but none of it has been as far as our walk to Issac Hostel.
The host of Issac Hostel, James was very warm and friendly. It was close to 9 in the night and he drove us to the place to get our thick quilt and pillow. Both of the items cost about 50 Singapore Dollars, still pretty much reasonable but definitely could be cheaper. After the purchase, he brought us to one of the Korean Restaurant just across the street and paid for our dinner.

Although our room is pretty small, the actions of the host really gave me a reason to stay and not moved out to a bigger place with bigger room instead.

Passport sized pictures are not the only pictures used in Korea. There is a special sized photograph called 3X4. Essentially it is a 3cm X 4 cm picture that is used for making ID cards and driving licence. Thank God that there is a picture taking booth at Anam Station, it would be hard to take one at the photograph shop as I do not speak Korean.

Then the orientation on Monday 27th February came. I am currently on the third day but I missed the tour as mentioned above. There are 4 people in my small group, including me. My Korean buddy, a French and a Peruvian Exchange student. My buddy did not speak much English and it was pretty hard to converse with him. Being a relatively quiet person with strangers, it makes it even tougher. But nonetheless, he is a very helpful person and laid back so I do appreciate the things that he has done for us.

One of the memorable days was the second day dinner and drinking fest. We visited a restaurant that served fried chicken and beer. The friend chickens were crispy but I only had one, as I dislike eating food that has bones. On my table were two students from Hong Kong and three from America. The girls from America could really drink. In a just 20 minutes, they downed like 4 to 5 mugs of beer. One of the American girls was half Korean and American and she practically downed the beer like it was water. The Hong Kongers on the other hand were light drinkers. The girl did not drink while the guy was tipsy just after the 4th mug. The beer went free flow and it was obvious who the drinkers were as the crowd began to disperse from the restaurant. On the night I had like 10 to 11 mugs, it was the first time that I had that many, 7 being the previous record. It was amazing how my stomach and bladder could support that much liquid.

After the beer drinking session, the drinkers left for their next destination. I wanted to follow the crowd but I had to send the Hong Kong guy but to his hostel. I knew that the girl would definitely have trouble bringing the guy back and thus I had to do the favour. I was high but definitely sober. It was with the beer that the Hong Kong guy showed his true colours. He was definitely not straight, and I guess I was “sexually harassed” while guiding him back to his hostel at Coco Livingtel. The girl kept telling me to just leave him on the streets but I felt that I couldn’t do that. It was a long and torturous walk to the hostel and I was glad that I made it. Upon reaching the fourth floor, he just collapsed on the floor. It was there that I bid farewell. I should have brought him to his room but I guess the fear was there after all the suggestive actions and words that he displayed on the walk to the hostel. The whole walk was really an experience and my first encounter with a guy that wasn’t straight. It would be an interesting video if the whole process could be filmed.
The weather is getting colder at this moment and I just put on my second jacket. After typing this entry, I shall continue my tour around while waiting for the rest to be back from their main school tour.

Signing Off
Aaron Tan
1030am - 1134am